Sunday, 13 February 2011

The Leaning Tower of Whoopie (pies)...

So, I have a great excuse to bake delicious goods at least once a fortnight; where I work on Saturdays we take it in turns to bring in "four-o-clocksies". For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept of four-o-clocksies it involves eating something yummy (and often highly calorific) with a cup of tea, at 4 o clock in the afternoon to enable you to work those final 2 hours. I must say, it's a very successful motivational tool and I don't know why all businesses don't schedule it on the rota.

This past Saturday was my turn and seeing as one of the women I work with is American I thought I'd attempt a batch of Whoopie Pies. My mum bought me a recipe book on them for christmas so flicking through I picked the one which didn't involve buttermilk in the recipe as this just confused me (I have since learned you can easily make this with a cup of full-fat milk and a tablespoon of lemon juice; leaving it out to curdle...yum. Thanks Kenna!) So, I settled on salted caramel with a fluffy marshmallow filling.

My arm muscles certainly resented making the fluffy marshmallow filling, as this involved whisking egg whites, sugar, golden syrup and salt, in a bowl suspended over a pan of boiling water for 10-15 minutes! I can barely whisk for a minute continuously, so now my right arm pretty much resembles pop-eye's.

It was however, worth it as this fluffy marshmallow filling if piped out into rounds and set in the fridge, makes awesome vegetarian marshmallows! Who knew!

The whoopie pies were a success however, you need to gobble them up asap as they seemed to dry out quicker than other cakes.

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